715-267-7103 | Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm, Outside Pickup always available director@greenwoodarealibrary.org


StrongBodies is either an 8 or 12 Week Strength Training Class taught by Dawn Jacobson. Our class is a partnership between Clark County ADRC, UW-Madison Extension and the Greenwood Area Library. Classes are currently held on Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00AM-12:00PM...
Live & Learn

Live & Learn

Join us every 3rd Tuesday of each month to talk about things that are important to you. Lunch will be provided by ADRC with a recommended $4.50 contribution. No on is turned away if they cannot afford to pay. Sign up is required for the lunch the day before the event....
Recipe Round-Up

Recipe Round-Up

Join us at the library for some delicious conversation. Each month we meet on the second Friday and chat about recipes we love. We each bring some a portion of our recipe and a copy of the recipe. We eat and we chat! There is a different theme each month. At the end...
Adult Game Day

Adult Game Day

Adult Game Day Thursday March 13th from Noon-3pm Stop in and play some games. We have card games, board games, dice games, etc. Bring your own if you’d like. Snacks will be provided!