715-267-7103 | Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm, Outside Pickup always available director@greenwoodarealibrary.org
Bookmark Contest

Bookmark Contest

“End of Summer” Bookmark Contest A winner will be chosen from all 4 age groups. Winners will receive bragging rights and 10 copies of the bookmark professionally made. Entry forms can be picked up at the library. You have until August 26th to design your...
Rock Painting

Rock Painting

Join us on July 3rd and July 10th from Noon to 4pm to paint Kindness rocks. You will get to paint one for our garden and one for yourself.
Kindness Rock Garden

Kindness Rock Garden

WE NEED YOUR HELP! OUR GARDEN IS GETTING SPARSE! Stop by and check it out. Feel free to paint your own rocks to add to the garden. We will be hosting painting events this July to add to the collection as well.