715-267-7103 | Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm, Outside Pickup always available director@greenwoodarealibrary.org
Game Day with Jason

Game Day with Jason

March 12th from 4-6pm Teens & Adults are invited to learn how to play the Starfinder Role Playing Game. Never played a Role Playing Game but always wanted to? Now is the perfect time to learn! Other board games will be available to play if you would...
Beginner Crochet Class

Beginner Crochet Class

If you have no experience in crocheting but would like to learn how to crochet this class is for you. You are someone who has never crocheted or maybe tried years ago but really don’t know/understand how it is done- Yep! This class is for you! Friday Dates: March 7,...


StrongBodies is either an 8 or 12 Week Strength Training Class taught by Dawn Jacobson. Our class is a partnership between Clark County ADRC, UW-Madison Extension and the Greenwood Area Library. Classes are currently held on Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00AM-12:00PM...
Live & Learn

Live & Learn

Join us every 3rd Tuesday of each month to talk about things that are important to you. Lunch will be provided by ADRC with a recommended $4.50 contribution. No on is turned away if they cannot afford to pay. Sign up is required for the lunch the day before the event....
Recipe Round-Up

Recipe Round-Up

Join us at the library for some delicious conversation. Each month we meet on the second Friday and chat about recipes we love. We each bring some a portion of our recipe and a copy of the recipe. We eat and we chat! There is a different theme each month. At the end...