715-267-7103 | Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm, Outside Pickup always available director@greenwoodarealibrary.org
Recipe Round-Up

Recipe Round-Up

Join us at the library for some delicious conversation. Each month we meet on the second Friday and chat about recipes we love. We each bring some a portion of our recipe and a copy of the recipe. We eat and we chat! There is a different theme each month. At the end...
Adult Game Day

Adult Game Day

Adult Game Day Thursday March 13th from Noon-3pm Stop in and play some games. We have card games, board games, dice games, etc. Bring your own if you’d like. Snacks will be provided!
Painted Door Project

Painted Door Project

If you have ever been in the Greenwood Area Library you have more than likely seen our beautifully hand painted 4-season door located behind the Circulation desk. With the newly renovated front half of the library, we have a similar 6 panel door that we would like to...
Rock Painting

Rock Painting

Join us on July 3rd and July 10th from Noon to 4pm to paint Kindness rocks. You will get to paint one for our garden and one for yourself.
February Events

February Events

  Feb. 3     Branching Out Book Club 6:30pm Feb. 11   StrongBodies 11am Feb. 12   Teen Craft Night 3-5:30pm Feb. 13   StrongBodies 11am Feb. 14   Recipe Round Up 11am Feb. 14   Kids Craft Noon-5pm Feb. 18   Live & Learn 10:30am Feb. 18   StrongBodies 1pm Feb....